Internal HR Consulting

GMG- Workplace Mediation- Mediation is a private and confidential process that assist the parties and their representatives with their issues with the help of a neutral third party (mediator) who is impartial and do not take sides. Mediators are subject matter experts who maintain and upgrade all skills with ongoing training and trends.
Our professional mediators have over twenty five years of experience. We have been mediating Postal Disputes for over ten year in the southwest area region. GMG Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) standards of practice are Integrity, Consistency, Impartiality and Competency more. Empowering our clients with the spirit of promoting mutual dignity, respect, while being future focused and moving pass the past…..

GMG Workplace Mediation-Employment mediation usually involves the ending of a contractual relationship between an employee and employer, whereas workplace mediation involves an ongoing working relationship. In an employment mediation, the mediator’s role is to actively assist the parties to find a negotiated agreement, where there is a financial component or claim at stake.

GMG -HR Training & Development

Seminars / Training
Our quality training and coaching are enjoyable and we operate with positive intent while seeking feedback.
Our Innovative Visions are to empower with

  • Integrity
  • Consistency
  • Dignity
  • Diversity
  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Professionalism
  • Partnership
Unlocking Workplace Excellence and Well-being

Teaching these skills can empower employees to handle stress more efficiently and communicate in a manner that fosters a healthier and more harmonious workplace. This, in turn, contributes to unlocking workplace wellness. 

  • Stress Management
  • Conflict Management
  • Effective Communication
  • Empathic Listening
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Resolving Workplace Disputes
  • CSI- Communication Styles Identified
  • Servant Leadership & Adversity
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Spiritual Intelligence
  • Team Building